This is the photo that interrupted our travels in Greece last week.
All posts by Jim Royal
Creating a YouTube Content Strategy
When was the last time you deliberately went to a corporate website to learn how to do something?
If you can’t remember the last time (and I can’t), then you’ve probably done a lot of your research and learning on YouTube.
YouTube has become the first destination for anyone who wants to learn anything, from fixing a pipe to beating a video game. This means that if you’re not using YouTube to reach your customers, then you’re missing a huge portion of your potential audience.
Living with Thalassemia
I’m very excited to be launching, together with my wife Uzema Jeena, a new YouTube series titled “Living with Thalassemia.”
A Week in New York
Photos from a week’s vacation in New York City, October 2015.
Shooting the Supermoon Eclipse
I spent about two hours shooting the supermoon eclipse of September 2015 until the clouds rolled in right at the mid-point of totality. The above shot was taken about 15 minutes into the eclipse. Right place, right time.