How to Make Visual Content for Scientific Presentations

Grand ideas will sail right past your audience when presented poorly.

This is the first in a series of lessons I’ve learned doing technical and scientific communication with researchers in the video game industry.

In later episodes of this series, we’ll look at videos that reach a general audience. We’ll discover how to shoot a decent-looking interview over Zoom. And still later, we’ll learn about style standards for visual imagery in technical and scientific papers.

But now, we’ll dig into creating video content for a scientific presentation.

Continue reading How to Make Visual Content for Scientific Presentations

How to Cost Educational Videos

“So what is this going to cost us?”

There’s no doubt that educational video is great way to reach a wide audience. On mobile devices alone, YouTube reaches more 18-to-49 year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network.

Educational video can generate trust in your expertise and build awareness for your product. Or, if you’re in a non-commercial organization that has a public-facing mission, educational video can help teach, and motivate people to act.

But it does cost more than a handful of blog posts.

In my experience, if you’re planning to release a one-off video, or a short campaign of just a handful of episodes, you’re probably best off contracting out to a production company that specializes in educational content.

However, if you want to build a library of material that will support your brand or mission over the long term, it is far less expensive to build in-house expertise and leverage your own knowledgeable staff.

Continue reading How to Cost Educational Videos

Photographer, Web Designer, and Technical Writer